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January 6, 2009


We are very excited about the re-launch of the Dr. Susan Love Research Foundation website. Please let us know what you think about the new site, what we can improve, and what else you’d like to see. Our goal is to make the site as best as possible for you, our user. So, let us know what you think!
Is this your first time visiting the site? If yes, skip to question 5.
 Yes  No

If no, did you ever visit our previous website?
 Yes  No

About how many times did you visit our previous site?
 1-5 times
 6-10 times
 10-20 times
 more than 20

How easy was it for you to find the information you needed on the previous site?
 very easy
 could have been easier
 not easy at all

I am visiting the Dr. Susan Love Research Foundation’s website today to:
 Locate the latest information about breast cancer or breast health
 Browse the site for general breast health/breast cancer information
 Locate information about menopause
 Browse the site for general women’s health/menopause/bone health information
 Learn about the Foundation
 Make a donation
 Purchase a pink bracelet
 Learn about volunteer opportunities (Love’s Army and Army of Women)
 Learn about how to apply for a pilot grant
 Read about Dr. Love and her future speaking engagements
 Become an Advocate
 Learn about and register for the Intraductal Symposium
 Learn about Intraductal Research

What do you think of the Foundation’s new website:

Ability to find information
 Excellent  Above Average  Average  Below Average  Poor
Quality of content
 Excellent  Above Average  Average  Below Average  Poor
Amount of information available
 Excellent  Above Average  Average  Below Average  Poor
Site design
 Excellent  Above Average  Average  Below Average  Poor
Ease of making a donation
 Excellent  Above Average  Average  Below Average  Poor
Ease of purchasing a pink bracelet
 Excellent  Above Average  Average  Below Average  Poor

What other information would you like to see on our website? (please choose three)
 More breast cancer/breast health information
 More information about menopause
 More information about bone Health
 More information about other women’s health issues
 Message board that will allow me to connect with other women with breast cancer
 Information in other languages
 The ability to get individualized information about my treatment decisions/Personal Guidance.
 More expert columns

Would you recommend this site to your friends and family?
 Yes  No
If no, why not?

Will you visit this site again?
 Yes  No
If no, why not?

I am:
 A woman recently diagnosed with breast cancer.
 A woman who has had a breast cancer recurrence.
 A breast cancer survivor.
 A man with breast cancer.
 A woman with questions about menopause.
 A woman with questions about bone health.
 A relative/friend of someone with breast cancer.
 A clinician or researcher.
 A volunteer.
 A member of the media.
 A corporate partner/web sponsor.

I learned about your site from a:

Please enter your city and zip code:


Copyright Dr Susan Love Research Foundation 2006