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Most Helpful
  1. Vaginal Dryness
  2. Your Questions - What is the CA 27.29 blood test? Should I have it done?
  3. Your Questions - My gynecologist recommended Vagifem vaginal tablets for vaginal atrophy and dryness. Are they safe to use long-term?
  4. Ductal Lavage
  5. Hot Topics - Grapefruit Intake and Breast Cancer Risk
  6. DCIS
  7. Invasive cancer
  8. Your Questions - Microcalcifications were seen on my mammogram. My doctor said I don't need a biopsy, but I'm worried. Should I get one?
  9. Your Questions - Is the Estring safe? Could the estrogen get into my breast and increase my risk of a breast cancer recurrence? Are there other options I should try?
  10. Understanding your cancer
  11. Osteopenia
  12. Hot Topics - Femara: A Closer Look at the New JCO Study
  13. 10 Most FAQ - 10 Most FAQ
  14. Understanding your cancer
  15. Personal stories - Mara Langer
Most Read 
  1. Your Questions - My gynecologist recommended Vagifem vaginal tablets for vaginal atrophy and dryness. Are they safe to use long-term?
  2. Hot Topics - Will an MRI Improve Your Breast Cancer Care?
  3. Hot Topics - DeCode Breast Cancer: Understanding What This New Test Can—and Can’t—Do
  4. Your Questions - What is the CA 27.29 blood test? Should I have it done?
  5. Your Questions - My biopsy came back as atypical lobular hyperplasia. What does this mean? What are my best treatment options?
  6. Your Questions - Is the Estring safe? Could the estrogen get into my breast and increase my risk of a breast cancer recurrence? Are there other options I should try?
  7. Hot Topics - Grapefruit Intake and Breast Cancer Risk
  8. Hot Topics - Low Libido? The Risks & Benefits of Testosterone
  9. Hot Topics - 2007 San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium
  10. Hot Topics - ASCO 2008—Three Important Breast Cancer Studies
  11. Dictionary - gene
  12. Your Questions - Microcalcifications were seen on my mammogram. My doctor said I don't need a biopsy, but I'm worried. Should I get one?
  13. Hot Topics - Study Finds Dense Breast Tissue Increases Breast Cancer Risk
  14. Hot Topics - Two New Studies Suggest Aspirin Can Prevent Breast Cancer
  15. Hot Topics - New Study Sheds Light on Soy and Breast Tumor Growth
  16. Invasive cancer
  17. Show Me Stories - Charlene
  18. Hot Topics - Gene Screen for Ductal Lavage Fluid Can Identify Breast Cancer
  19. Hot Topics - HRT Trial Stopped in Women with Breast Cancer
  20. Hot Topics - Researchers Stop HRT Study Due to Breast Cancer Risk
Most Emailed 
  1. Invasive cancer
  2. Hot Topics - Study Finds No Chemo Benefit for Postmenopausal Women with ER+ Breast Cancer with Negative Nodes
  3. Your Questions - Should I have the CYP2D6 tamoxifen resistance test?
  4. Your Questions - I just learned that there are different types of radiation treatments. Which is the best?
  5. Your Questions - My biopsy came back as atypical lobular hyperplasia. What does this mean? What are my best treatment options?
  6. Hot Topics - Gene Found That Contributes To Inflammatory Breast Cancer
  7. Hot Topics - Bone Density Monitoring May Be Misleading
  8. Your Questions - I just learned that I have atypical ductal hyperplasia. What should I do?
  9. Your Questions - I had a sentinel node biopsy. There were two types of tests done. The first, the hematoxylin-eosin stain (H&E), was negative; the second, the cytokeratin immunohistochemical (IHC) stain, was positive. Does this mean the cancer has spread to my lymph nodes? How should I be treated?
  10. Your Questions - My surgeon says I need to have a core biopsy. If I have cancer, could the biopsy spread the cancerous cells to other areas? Is there any other way to diagnose what is going on?
  11. Your Questions - Microcalcifications were seen on my mammogram. My doctor said I don't need a biopsy, but I'm worried. Should I get one?
  12. In the News - For Breast Cancer Survivors, Lymphedema Adds Insult to Injury
  13. In the News - Scientists Posit Stem Cells as Cancer's Source: Researchers Have Found Mutant Colonies that Can Create Tumors
  14. In the News - Doctors Want to Find Spreading Cancer
  15. Hot Topics - Breast Ducts: A New Site for Cancer Treatment
  16. In the News - Exercise May Improve Quality Of Life For Breast Cancer Survivors
  17. In the News - Detecting Breast Cancer Before It Starts
  18. Hot Topics - Gene Screen for Ductal Lavage Fluid Can Identify Breast Cancer
  19. Your Questions - Both my mother and aunt developed breast cancer when they were postmenopausal. I had genetic testing and learned that I don't carry one of the BRCA gene mutations. But I'm still worried that I, too, might get breast cancer. Should I take tamoxifen or raloxifene to reduce my risk?
  20. Your Questions - Can I breastfeed after having been treated for ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS)? If milk is available from that breast, will it be safe?