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Intraductal Approach
Intraductal Research
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Intraductal Research / Foundation Research scissors
To date, the Dr. Susan Love Research Foundation has received more than half a million dollars to pursue our own intraductal research. Our current research projects include:

The Normal Breast Study—Correlation of Human Anatomy and Physiology in the Non-Lactating, Non-Cancerous Breast
In January 2006, the Dr. Susan Love Research Foundation launched a landmark, pilot study on the normal breast. This groundbreaking intraductal study is using ductal lavage along with ultrasound and ductoscopy to advance our understanding of the anatomy and physiology of the breast ducts. It is only by understanding the normal breast that we will be able to identify what conditions are necessary inside the breast ducts for precancerous cells to grow and for cancer cells to invade and spread.

This study was made possible by a $300,000 grant from the Avon Foundation to launch the project; a $150,000 grant from S. Mark Taper Foundation to purchase a top-of-the-line ultrasound machine, and a $100,000 grant from the American Breast Cancer Foundation to purchase a top-of-the-line ductoscope. The American Breast Cancer Foundation grant also is being used to build collaborative relationships with the University of Arkansas and the University of California, San Francisco, two research institutions that are working with the Foundation to perform analyses of the components of ductal fluid.

Clinicians and Researchers
The Foundation is currently looking for volunteers interested in taking part in the Normal Breast Study. Volunteers must be over 18, live in the Los Angeles area, and not taking hormones. If you know women who you think would be interested in taking part in this study, please have them contact us at 310-230-1712, Ext. 31, or email us at [email protected].