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6th International Symposium on the Intraductal Approach to Breast Cancer
March 2009
Santa Monica, California

The Foundation will host the 6th International Symposium on the Intraductal Approach to Breast Cancer in March 2009 in Santa Monica, California. We anticipate clinicians, researchers, and advocates from throughout the world to gather in Santa Monica for this important event.

The symposium is designed to:
This symposium will be planned by a program committee of past attendees and will include presentations from current researchers who either have published or are funded to do research in the field.

Grant Applicants will also present their proposals at the symposium, providing a unique opportunity to gain feedback and insights from other researchers.  A Peer Review Committee will award grants ranging from $10,000-$20,000 following their presentations. To learn more about the grant application process, please click here.

We look forward to seeing you in Santa Monica at the 6th International Symposium on the Intraductal Approach to Breast Cancer—the only symposium designed solely to address and advance research using the intraductal approach in the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of breast cancer.

Please check back to learn more about the 2009 Symposium.