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About the Foundation / Dr. Susan Love scissors
"I have spent my whole life working in the field of breast cancer. At this point I am frustrated that we are still doing the same treatments with about the same results as when I started thirty years ago. Now that we can get to where breast cancer starts we have the opportunity to eradicate it. I am excited and impatient. The road is clear. We can go slowly or quickly, but everyday that we delay another 592 women will be diagnosed and 110 will die. The cost is too high to hesitate. This is our job not our daughters, granddaughters, nieces or nephews. We can do it and we have to do it!"

Susan M. Love has one goal for the Dr. Susan Love Research Foundation: to eradicate breast cancer within our lifetime! She strongly feels that we now have the tools we need to get to where breast cancer starts and only need the will and resources to make prevention a reality.

Susan M. Love has always been a pioneer and entrepreneur. She is known worldwide as one of the founding mothers of the breast cancer advocacy movement and sits on the Boards of the National Breast Cancer Coalition, Y-ME and the Young Survival Coalition. She started the first all-women Breast Center in Boston, then went on to develop the model for multidisciplinary breast care at the Revlon/UCLA Breast Center. After inventing the intraductal catheter at UCLA she recognized that she could develop it further in the for-profit arena and started Pro•Duct Health Inc (later acquired by Cytyc Corporation). She is currently founder and Medical Director of Windy Hill Medical, a breast cancer prevention company.

Always focused on keeping women educated about their options, Dr. Love authored Dr. Susan Love's Breast Book, termed "the bible for women with breast cancer," by the New York Times. The fourth edition was published October 2005. Dr. Susan Love's Menopause and Hormone Book first published in 1998, was one of the first to sound the alarm about the widespread use of postmenopausal hormones. The second edition was released in January 2003. A frequent spokesperson in the media she founded LLuminari, a multimedia women's health information company whose experts are termed "Oprah's doctors" in O magazine.

She is a Clinical Professor of Surgery at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA and was appointed by President Clinton to the National Cancer Advisory Board. She lectures nationally and internationally on breast cancer, menopause and women's health. She has been awarded six honorary doctorate degrees, as well as numerous honors and citations. Dr. Love has a business degree from the Executive MBA Program at UCLA's Anderson School. She is on the board of Sanarus Medical and provides consultation to PepsiCo.

Dr. Love received her medical degree from SUNY Downstate Medical Center in New York, did her surgical training at Boston's Beth Israel Hospital. She has retired from the active practice of surgery to dedicate herself to the urgent work of breast cancer prevention.