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Symposium & Think Tanks

The International Symposium on the Intraductal Approach to Breast Cancer
The Dr. Susan Love Research Foundation sponsors meetings and events that provide both the scientific community and the general public with opportunities to hear Dr. Susan Love and our group of nationally recognized clinicians and researchers share the latest information about breast cancer diagnosis, treatments, and innovative research.

The Foundation is dedicated to the eradication of breast cancer through prevention. The ability to access the lining of the milk ducts where breast cancer starts has provided us the extraordinary opportunity to develop a new model for risk detection and prevention of breast cancer, much like the Pap smear for cervical cancer. In an effort to nurture this growing field of intraductal research, the Foundation initiated a biennial international conference. The goal of the meeting is to facilitate collaboration among researchers, to provide history and context to new researchers, and to grant pilot money to those wanting to explore this approach. This is the only conference of its kind in the country that focuses on the groundbreaking intraductal research.

The next International Symposium on the Intraductal Approach to Breast Cancer will be held March 1–4, 2007. You can read more about the 2007 Symposium here.

Think Tanks
In addition to hosting the International Symposium on the Intraductal Approach to Breast Cancer and providing grant funding, the Dr. Susan Love Research Foundation also sponsors Think Tanks in areas of breast cancer research where innovation and collaboration are necessary to establish specific research priorities that address current gaps in research and barriers to progress. At the present time, one of these barriers to progress is our knowledge and understanding of the biology of the normal, non-lactating breast. Because breast cancer is a multifaceted disease, the best approach to pushing research innovation to the next level is to engage the help of a group of those scientists who are most knowledgeable and experienced in a variety of disciplines in breast cancer research. Such a multidisciplinary group, or Think Tank, could identify existing research gaps and also generate innovative, creative ideas that provide the solutions to filling those gaps.

For additional information about our next Think Tank in 2008 , please click here.

Did You Know?

At least 95% of all breast cancer begins in the lining of the milk duct, and our symposium participants study the fluid and cells inside the breast ducts to find information that will provide the answers to the early diagnosis, treatment, and eradication of breast cancer. The symposium includes participation by people from all over the country and the world.  Learn more about our previous symposiums