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The Dr. Susan Love Research Foundation is proud to work with the following companies and organizations. Each of these companies and organizations provides an opportunity for individuals to use their purchasing power to support the Foundation and its work to end breast cancer.

We salute our partners for their commitment to the Dr. Susan Love Research Foundation. Our corporate partners include:

The Foundation's research program benefits every time someone purchases Dr. Love's Breast Book or Dr. Love's Hormone Book through The Foundation also benefits from any purchase made when an individual follows the link from the Foundation site to
Benefit to the Foundation: minimum 5%
Duration of the Program: year-round
Suggested Retail: varies
Product Available for Purchase:

Boscia has been a partner of the Foundation since 2006.  The Foundation's research program benefits with each sale of Boscia's Rose Blotting Linens. 

Benefit to the Foundation: 10% of gross revenue 
Duration of the Program: year-round
Suggested Retail: approximately $10
Product Available for Purchase:

Hard Rock Café
The Hard Rock Café developed a partnership with the Foundation in 2005 with its sale of a limited edition Hard Rock Café pin designed by Melissa Etheridge. Hard Rock Café raised $185,000 for the Foundation's research program through pin sales. In 2006, Hard Rock Café is again partnering with the Dr. Susan Love Research Foundation by again selling a limited edition pin and by hosting various events across the country in October in recognition of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. More information is available at
Benefit to the Foundation: 100% of the gross revenue
Duration of the program: October 2006
Suggested Retail: $11 for the limited edition breast cancer pin
Product Available for Purchase: Hard Rock International properties worldwide, including Cafes, Hotels and Casinos

Healing Lifestyles and Spa Magazine
Healing Lifestyle and Spa magazine developed a partnership with the Foundation in 2006. The Foundation's research program benefits each time a new subscription is purchased in September and October 2006.
Benefit to the Foundation: $5 from every subscription
Duration of the Program: September and October 2006
Suggested Retail: varies
Product Available for Purchase:

The Pink Bracelet Fund
The Pink Bracelet Fund™ has been a Foundation partner since 2004. Melissa Etheridge's fans established this unique fund just days after she announced that she had been diagnosed with breast cancer. Their goal was to raise awareness and money for breast cancer in Melissa's honor, and they did so through the sale of pink bracelets inscribed with the famous Melissa quote "Be Strong." Since its establishment, the Pink Bracelet Fund has donated more than $190,000 to the Dr. Susan Love Research Foundation in Melissa's name.
Benefit to the Foundation: 100%
Duration of the Program: year-round
Suggested Retail: varies
Product Available for Purchase:

Spoylt lingerie established its partnership with the Foundation in 2006. The Foundation's research program benefits through each purchase of Innocence Lingerie Bag and their entire line of lingerie in 2006.
Benefit to the Foundation: 25%
Duration of the Program: year-round
Suggested Retail: varies
Product Available for Purchase:

Yogitoes has been a Foundation partner since 2005. Yogitoes supports the Foundation's research program benefits from sales of their limited edition pink Skidless Mat Towel. In 2005, Yogitoes raised $15,000 for the Foundation.
Benefit to the Foundation: $5 from the sale of the pink Skidless Mat Towel
Duration of the Program: year-round
Suggested Retail: approximately $45
Product Available for Purchase: yoga retail stores, and